This way "we the people" can tell our government what we want. If we leave this issue up to the politicians in Washington, we might just need an aspirin and someone to call in the morning!
Part A will cover you when you have a problem and go to a hospital or need skilled nursing care. When you go to the hospital you will pay the first ,132 of medical fees and then Part A picks up the rest for the first 60 days. There are additional charges of 3 per day for days 61-90 and 6 per day for days 91-150. After these periods you will have to pay all costs associated with your hospital stay. The worst part of Part A is that the is not on an annual Medigap Plans basis but on a per incident basis. As an example, if you get sick and go to the hospital in January and then again in October you have to pay the ,132 all over again.
A review of health insurance coverage by Families USA, a health care advocacy group, shows that Americans aged 45 to 64 account for 21.1 percent of the 86.7 million Americans who were uninsured at some point between 2007-2008. See related story here.
The President danced around this very issue in his speech. Namely, what kind of society do we want to be and where do we to place our priorities? The President, along with most liberals, envision a society in which regardless of circumstance you will always be taken care of. To enable this vision, they propose that the productive members of society take care of the unproductive the misfortunate, as the termed it. Most Republicans also think entitlements are just dandy, although they would prefer the private sector pony up to those responsibilities. In other words they're perfectly happy to let more info businesses handle society's ills. Anyone who has ever read Dickens can tell you what kind of world that is.
Those who are jobless and without health benefits are caught in a limbo because they are not quite old enough yet to qualify for Medicare. The need is there, but the age isn't.
A great craft idea is to make robot costumes. Give each of your students a box big enough for them to fit into. Have them cut out armholes. Then have them decorate the box to look like a robot. They can use crayons, markers, or even cut out shapes from construction paper. They can then glue them onto the box. Then when they are done decorating the robot box they can slip it over their heads and put their arms through it to become their own robots.
If you would like to see the Adirondack chair plans I used to build my chair with ease, check out my blog at and try them out for yourself.
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